you can use isdefeind("xmlresponse.error.err.xmlText") (remeber this
stuff is picky about case so make sure case is right)
Or if you will have multiple errors you might try

<cfset errors = xmlsearch(xmlresponse,"//err")>

<cfloop from=1 to=#arraylen(errors)# index="idx">

Adam H

On Sun, 5 Sep 2004 10:54:53 -0500, Paul Giesenhagen
> How do you test to see if an XML variable is defined or not?  I have tried IsDefined, but it errors out.
> Basically I am testing to see if the XML code has an error block, if everything is fine,  this variable is NOT valid #xmlresponse.error.err.xmlText#  IF there is a problem, it is and it is the error response code.  So what I would like to do is FIRST check to see if this variable exists ...
> Any suggestions?
> Paul Giesenhagen
> QuillDesign
> 417-885-1375
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