Are you using sqlserver? Aren't there some substring functions? If the 01
and 03 indicate the media type and the number before the dash will match,
couldn't you do something like this pseudocode:

select left(id, 4) AS primaryID,  right(id, 2) AS mediatype,
from yourtable

<cfoutput query="yourquery" group="primaryid">
#name# <cfoutput><cfif mediattype is 1>DVD<cfelseif mediattype is

----- Original Message -----
From: "B G" <

> That may be possible.  Though it's not always up to me to get the
> dept and the DB people to do work so my life is easier.
> Nonetheless...The basic nature of this kind of compare is eluding me.
> if I had two records, one with DVD and one with VHS in the MEDIA_TYPE
> I'd still need to have some way to identify that while displaying the
> records.
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