hi again,

I had a quick look at their demo and was wondering...

is there a way to filter out a range of networks so that the stats are
a bit more "realistic"? We are a local college and I'm sure a lot of our
students visit the page inside/within the college. that may screw the
stats a bit. I'd like to filter out our IP ranges if possible.

would it work for subdomains as well? ie. departmentA.company.com

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/8/2004 10:02:49 AM >>>
thank u all. I got it going to sourceforge =)

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/8/2004 10:00:39 AM >>>
www.awstats.org <http://www.awstats.org/>

awstats.sourceforge.net <http://awstats.sourceforge.net/>

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