> Can a cookie be shared between domains?  That is, if I have a
> family of web sites, can they share a given cookie?

No, cookies are domain-specific. They will, by default, be shared by all
hosts within a domain, though.

> I want to have user polls posted on several different web
> sites and wish to limit visitors to one vote per poll, even
> if they come across the poll on a different web site in the
> family.  Can I do this by setting a cookie?

You may be able to do this by setting a third-party cookie. This is commonly
done by advertising sites like Doubleclick; if you go to, say, the
Washington Post site an ad might be fetched from doubleclick.net instead of
washingtonpost.com. The ad server would be able to return a cookie along
with the ad.

It's worth noting that this may not work, depending on the cookie settings
within the user's browser.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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