Hey Jim,

Thanks for getting back to me.  Unfortunately it does make sense.  I really thought (and was hoping) that when you ask a function for some data that it returns a copy of that data not a reference to that objects data.  What is the standard practice for this?  How do you truly protect an objects data from corruption if when you use a getter on it it returns a reference pointer not a copy?

>No. not really.
>When you "var" a variable you do, indeed, make it private to the function.
>However if you place a reference to a public object in a var'd variable it's
>still a public object.
>In a sense the var keyword only affects the actual label of the variable,
>not its contents.  It does not make clones of its contents or anything like
>The following is bad code, but (I hope!) should explain things:
><cfset foo = structnew() /> <!--- this creates a variable "foo" in the
>variables scope.
><cfset foo.fiddle = 3 />
><cfset var foo =  structnew() />  <!--- this creates a brand new variable
>called "foo" completely unconnected with the one in the variables scope.
><cfset var foo =  variables.foo />  <!--- this creates a brand new variable
>called "foo" completely unconnected with the one in the variables scope.
>HOWEVER the value in this completely unconnected variable is a reference to
>the variables.foo varialble.  Changing foo.fiddle in the function changes
>foo.fiddle in the referenced object.
>Does that make sense or muddy things further?
>Jim Davis
>From: Michael Hodgdon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 3:05 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: reference in cfc
>Question for the list.  It has to do with what appears to be object
>with data stored in a cfc.  Any help you got would be great, oh yeah, and
>of an emergency fo us!  Coming up on a deadline fast!
>It is my understanding that when you "<cfset var var_myvar = "">" (var out a
>variable) you capture information at a function level not at a component
>Therefore if I have a data collection in a component that I want to grab,
>analyze, edit, and send to the user without editing the original shared
>component version I can just grab it using the var scope.  Once in the var
>I can make my edits without affecting the original shared scope version.
>a description will better explain this:
>Here is the code I am using to access and modify my component:
><!--- create and initialize the test object in local memory --->
><cfset variables.test = createObject("component", "cf_components.test")>
><cfset variables.test.initializeObject()>
><!--- get and dump the data for this customer  --->
><!--- you should see two keys "firstname" and "lastname" --->
><cfdump var="#variables.test.getCustData()#">
><!--- perform a customer analysis, this customer analysis should return a
>structure with a new "description" key in it --->
><!--- Inside the function I have scooped the component level customer
>information by using a getter on the original shared data --->
><!--- Thre returnvariable dumps the data into the var scope.  My edits
>remain only in that vared out variable --->
><!--- with the "firstname", "lastname", and "description" field contained in
>var_stCustomerData --->
><cfdump var="#variables.test.customerAnalysis()#">
><!--- get the customers original data.  This data sits in the shared scope
>the test object and should not reflect the changes made in customerAnalysis
>the vared version --->
><!--- I should only see two keys "firstname" and "lastname" however the edit
>performed in customerAnalysis (on the vared version of the data) edits the
>original information putting description in the shared component version
><cfdump var="#variables.test.getCustData()#">
>Here is my cfc:
><cfcomponent displayname="test" hint="I am a component that test references
>stored data.">
><cffunction name="initializeObject" hint="I prepare the object by setting
>intial data" access="public" output="no" returntype="boolean">
>  <!--- Set up the customer object --->
>  <cfscript>
>  this.objName = "customer";
>  // Set up the customer object data containers
>  stCustomerInfo        = structNew();
>  stCustomerInfo.firstname     = "michael";
>  stCustomerInfo.lastname      = "hodgdon";
>  </cfscript>   
>  <cfreturn "1">
><cffunction name="getCustData" hint="I return the customer data"
>access="public" output="no" returntype="struct">
>  <cfreturn stCustomerInfo>  
><cffunction name="customerAnalysis" access="public" output="no"
>  <cfset var var_stCustomerData = "">
>  <!--- grab the customer data and place it in a local variable --->
>  <cfinvoke
>   method="getCustData"
>   returnvariable="var_stCustomerData">
>  <!--- if your name is michael --->
>  <cfif var_stCustomerData.firstname EQ "michael">
>   <!--- add to the temp local var a customer description --->
>   <cfset structInsert(var_stCustomerData, "description", "Your name is
>  <!--- your name is not michael  --->
>  <cfelse>
>   <!--- add to the temp local var a customer description --->
>   <cfset structInsert(var_stCustomerData, "description", "Your name is not
>  </cfif>
>  <!--- return the edited customer information --->
>  <cfreturn var_stCustomerData>  
>  _____
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