Well it's rubbish, my code that used to simply try/catch a piece of code, if there was an error, passed the cfcatch structure to a custom tag which then handles it.  It's now royally broken.

I've now either got to use the custom tag suggested above, or rely on cferror to handle all my specific errors.  Which is the wrong method, but about the only one I can get working.

I would suggest MM gather a hotfix to resolve this problem, because I'm sure it can't just be me encountering this problem.


> I think this is sort of a "bugfix" in the updater for the endless loop
> error you sometimes get when you try to dump an error which has a type
> of "coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedElementException" or "coldfusion.
> runtime.UndefinedVariableException".
> >anyone ever get this when you <cfdump var="#cfcatch#">
> >
> >[unknown
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