On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 09:04:48 -0400, joe velez
> i, too, would like to become rhce, as soon as time and $ allow.
> ok its probably very easy for you guys...
> how do you create a new ftp user from the command line?
> i looked all over rh, some other forums, and only found 1 useful post, but it was in the GUI which is fine since im developing on my box, but when i have remote access in the future i need to know how to do this.
> i tried
> #  useradd -d /var/www/html -p [MYPASSWORD] [USERNAME]
> this creates a user ok, but no ftp access.

What FTP program are you using? The above line will create a user for
the operating system, but since ftp is simply a program/daemon that
runs on top of the OS, you are going to need to use either a command
specific for the ftp program or edit the config script for the ftp

chris johnston


"For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals and
something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we
learned to talk."
Pink Floyd
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