Sorry I didn't get back to this.  I left early yesterday -- injury time.

Anyway, Jeff already gave a good rundown of the classes available to
you, so I'll just give an example.

If you were searching for a simplified version of an email address like
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" you might look for

[[:alnum:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:alnum:]]+\.(com|net|org)

Does that help some?

BTW -- you can also mix this notation with the traditional bracketed
class notation.  So, if you want "alnums" and underscores, you could use
Just be careful with hyphens -- standard rules there apply.


Josen Ruiseco wrote:
> The regex used to find the email address and the replacement regex
> are from the book. The reReplaceNoCase and the output stuff is me.
> I do not follow you with the [[:alnum:]] example. Please expound.
> Josen
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