We are having trouble getting our mail through to AOL members and they are
being, at the least, unhelpful.  We have two whitelisted servers, and have
an active feedback loop where we remove people who want to be removed, and
yet they still continue to block us.  They remove the blocks when we ask
them to, but it takes 48-72 hours and worse, I don't know about until AFTER
we get a bunch of undeliverables and our subscribers complain because
they're not getting their e-mail.  

I want to be proactive.  So, I figured I can connect to their server and
send an e-mail to my own AOL address and look for the responses.  If I get
the response showing that a particular url in my content is blocked, then I
switch URL's for all my e-mails that go out.  I would probably create a
scheduled task to run, say, every hour, to check this and modify my URL's
appropriately.  Then when I see something blocked, it would automatically
fire off an e-mail to their postmaster support, copying me, and asking them
to remove the block.

Well, that's what I need. :)  You asked.  ;-)




From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 5:32 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SMTP or Telnet tools?

Theres a few good tcp/ip objects and CFXs at www.intrafoundation.com.

What are you trying to do?  Maybe there are other tools that already can do
what you are looking for.


Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
On-Line Data Solutions, Inc. - www.CoolFusion.com
inFusion Mail Server (iMS) - The Award-winning, Intelligent Mail Server
PrismAV - Virus scanning for ColdFusion applications
>>> Find out how iMS Stacks up to the competition:

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Dave Phillips
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 5:32 PM
  Subject: SMTP or Telnet tools?


  I'm looking for a way that I can execute a telnet/smtp session from my CF
  code and be able to review the responses from the smtp server for each
  command that is sent.

  For example, something like this:

  Open connection to mail.94percent.com
  send helo command
  read response
  send mail from: command
  read response
  send rcpt to: command
  read response
  send data command
  send data and "." on last line to finish the send.

  I would obviously be adding some conditional code in there to take
  appropriate action based on the responses.

  I'm on CF MX 6.1 (updater 3) and have tried to use both IPWorks COM object
  and TCPCLIENT COM object to no avail.  My server just freezes when I try
  create the object.  I'm assuming they're not compatible with mx 6.1.

  Any ideas?


  Dave Phillips
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