
I am being forced to develop a small module application on my site outside
of my normal environment, meaning that I cannot use ColdFusion.  (shudder)

I am interacting with a plug-in on this other server that includes certain
information that I need in the header variables.  If I use ColdFusion (which
I can only use in development and will not work on the staging and
production areas--again, shudder), I can see the variables I need very
clearly listed when I do a dump of the CGI variables (<CFDUMP var="#CGI#">).
As I understand it, these are variables that the HTTP server sends back in
the header of the page along with the rest of the data in the page.  My
thinking, perhaps naive, is that this data should be available to the client

So, since I can't use CF, I have to use something else.  I am getting the
sinking feeling that client-side _javascript_ is not an option, although I am
still confused as to why this data would not be available to client-side

Bottom line: I am looking for another technology to use, but I don't know
which way to go.  I don't know CGI/Perl, ASP, or client-side _javascript_, so
I'll have to study to get this set up.  Before I go doing such a thing, I'd
like to know that I am at least in the right ballpark.  

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with this cold, heartless,
non-ColdFusion world?

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