That is never going to work as _javascript_ is client-side and CF is
server-side. The CF script runs when the user requests the page. You
will have to do something like get the _javascript_ to call a script on
the server and pass the url entered as a query string on the script
call URL, or do it as a form submission.


----- Original Message -----
From: Luc Deault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 08:44:44 -0400
Subject: CFHTTP

I'm trying to get data (title of page) from a url which is passed with
_javascript_. The set (gotolink) seems to work, but cfhttp doesn't seem
to connect. The gotoLink output works also. What's wrong with my code?

<cfset goToLink =

<cfoutput>Link = #gotolink#</cfoutput>

<cfhttp url="" resolveurl="no"></cfhttp>
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