Store this block in the database…
width: [**divtemplateWidth**];
height: [**divtemplateHeight**];
border: 1px solid black;
background-color : [**divTempalteBgColor**];
Also store your divTemplateBGColor, divTemplateWidth, divTemplateHeight in
the database
Query for your style blocks
Then query for all of your values
Now replace the key strings in the Style block with the values
<cfset StyleBlockFinal = BlockQuery.StyleBlock>
<cfset StyleBlockFinal = Replace(StyleBlockFinal, “[**divTemplateWidth**]”,
ValueQuery.divTemplateWidth, “ALL”)>
<cfset StyleBlockFinal = Replace(StyleBlockFinal, “[**divTemplateHeight**]”,
ValueQuery.divTemplateHeight, “ALL”)>
<cfset StyleBlockFinal = Replace(StyleBlockFinal,
“[**divTemplateBgColor**]”, ValueQuery.divTemplateBgColor, “ALL”)>
<style type="text/css">
I haven’t used this but I’ve been kicking around the idea for a skinned
message board I have.
Right now Im just storing the directory names in the database
Each directory has a style.css in it. The style being used for the skin
depends on an ACTIVE status in the database
Each of the directories also has an “images” directory with the buttons for
that skin.
I’d like to hear other’s thoughts on dynamic skins and styles myself. In my
case, the above example (style code in the database) could get rather large
and probably way too much overhead for a skin feature.
From: Shawn McKee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Variable names stored in database
I would like to store style sheet information in a database but need to be
able to change some of the parameters on the fly. If a straight file doing
the variable substitutions is no big deal.
<cfquery name="specs" datasource="#dsn#">
customer = 42
<cfset variables.bgcolor = spec.color>
<style type="text/css">
width: 300;
height: 250;
border: 1px solid black;
background-color : #variables.bgcolor#;
Yes I know I don't need to use the extra step in this case but if it is
stored in a DB I need constant names in string.
So is it possible to store the style block in a DB and then do the variable
Shawn McKee
Mgr., Web Development
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- Variable names stored in database Shawn McKee
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