Not sure I have understood this right, but I assume the file you are
trying create a CF Script, but remove the database call. In that case,
you can put all your bits of script into a variable and than right
that variable. The script will not be processed by CFFILE, for

<cfset pageString = "this is some content">
<cfset pageString = "#pageString# <cfset a = 1>">
<cffile action="" file="/stories/2004-1234.cfm" output="#pageString">

This will create the CF script and when called the CF parts will be processed.


----- Original Message -----
From: mayo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 00:08:03 -0400
Subject: cffile write question, sending but not parsing cf code

I'm using cffile to allow a magazine site to publish articles and not have a
db call everytime an article is selected. Is there anyway (aside from
includes) that I can use send up cf code such as CGI.path_info without it
being parsed when the cffile is being written?


For example /admin/createFile.cfm creates a file called

I would like CGI.path_info to display

/stories/2004-1234.cfm not /admin/createFile.cfm

I also would like to be able to have

<cfset> etc... processed when the article is requested by the user and not
when the CFFILE is executed.

thx, hope this is understandable

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