If you want the output, i you have to add a timeout value.  Otherwise
CF just runs it and leaves it to do it's thing, immediately returning
to page execution.  Just set it to 10 or something and go.  Make sure
your CF is all patched up though, there was a bug at some point where
CFEXECUTE always took the full timeout, even if it didn't need it for
the called program to finish.


On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 12:30:50 -0400, Steve Dworman
> doesn't matter which one i use for this problem.
> i am trying to execute perl inline, however, i can't get back the result (2).  this works if i go right to the unix command line and run it.
> <cfx_Execute
> name="/usr/bin/perl"
> arguments="-e '$test=2; print $test;'"
> outputvar="outfile2"
> showdebug="yes"
> lineend="<br>"
> reload="Auto">
> if i do something simple like "which perl" then i get a result.
> what am i doing wrong?

Barney Boisvert
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