> is there a way of doing the following in a query to MSSQL like you can
> to access?
> SELECT field1, field2, iif(field1 = field2,'same','different') AS mynote
> FROM mytable
> WHERE etc
> I appreciate it could be done in a SP or by analysing the output but in
> this case it is easier not to...
Check the docs for "CASE".
The T-SQL equivalent should be something like:

SELECT field1, field2,
WHEN (field1 = field2)
THEN 'same'
ELSE 'different'
AS mynote
FROM mytable

Maybe it's not worth creating a dedicated SP, but you could still but it
inside a view and embed just a minum amount of SQL inside your CFML. You
would end up with something like:

FROM my View

Massimo Foti
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