I'm seeing some very strange behavior from this code.

<cfparam name="request.appCatchCaptures" default="#ArrayNew(1)#">
<cfset request.appCatchCaptures[..] = Duplicate(cfcatch)>

Yesterday, I was able to reliably reproduce a nice, juicy "You are attempting
to dereference a scalar..." error with the Duplicate(cfcatch) statement - a
known issue with the 6.1 updater.  However, upon logging into my system
today, MX seems to have forgiven the issue and now happily accepts the

Now, since magic unfortunately doesn't exists and the jury's still out on
whether our computers actually mess with us on purpose, there's obviously a
key in the CFCATCH structure that's a string that was being referenced
yesterday that isn't being referenced today.

How on Earth I found which one is beyond me.

Just wondering if anyone else has more in-depth knowledge of this issue and
has any pointers (no pun intended).

- Steve
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