Could it be a locking issue? do you structDelete(session,"Replicant"),
or structClear(session)? I have often experienced this where a user
double-clicks a button or link.

-nathan strutz

Damien McKenna wrote:
> Can anyone please help me work out why the second line would ever fail
> with the message "Element REPLICANT is undefined in SESSION."?
> <cfif StructKeyExists(Session, "Replicant")><cfif
> IsStruct(Session.Replicant)>
>     <cfif StructKeyExists(Session.Replicant,
> "Name")><h4>#Session.Replicant.Name#</h4></cfif>
> </cfif>
> I thought the above was rock-solid code, but apparently not.  This fails
> once-in-a-while but is not reproducable as best as I can tell.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> --
> *Damien McKenna* - Web Developer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Limu Company - - 407-804-1014
> "Nothing endures but change." - Heraclitus
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