If you went this route, Paypal can then place a negative mark on your
credit report.  They can also send it to collections which will further
negatively impact your credit.  So if you're looking to buy a home or
car or get life insurance (worse credit = worse rates) or approval for
any other line of credit I highly suggest that you not go this route.


On 9/23/2004 11:31 AM, Kristopher Pilles wrote:

> Call up and get a new CC # then Paypal can't charge you.
> KP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 11:28 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Doug White - clickdoug.com
> I'm actually right in the middle of trying to get the
> 'situation'
> resolved myself.  I lost a little data...but it's personal
> stuff, not
> business related...so there's no money loss there (or customers
> to
> deal with).
> But on Aug 5, I paid for 1 year of hosting.  Doug and his
> servers
> disappeared about 1 month later.  So I'd love to at least make
> an
> attempt to get my $ back.  I had paid with paypal, and they
> don't even
> talk to you about disputing a charge after 30 days.  Wouldn't
> have
> mattered, as they told me today that they don't "support"
> intangible
> services such as web hosting (as far as disputing a charge).
> Had
> called the bank a few days ago to see if they could do something
> about
> the charge...they did.  They overturned the PayPal payment.  So
> now
> the $ is back in my bank account, but my PayPal balance is
> negative.
> Which essentially means that PayPal will charge my secondary
> source
> (credit card), which puts me right back at square 1.
> I'm wondering if anybody who was involved has made any attempts
> to get
> their money back?  Who would I go to to make an attempt?  If
> there are
> others, maybe forming a group would help (strength in numbers)?
> Charlie
> On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 11:17:24 -0400, Burns, John D
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I noticed there was a thread in CF-Community from a few weeks
> ago of
>  > people who were hosting with Doug White (www.clickdoug.com)
> who had
>  > experienced his "outage" that never came back up and are
> having trouble
>  > contacting him.  Has anyone had any luck with this?  We were
> hosting
>  > with him and moved all of our sites to rackspace.com but are
> in serious
>  > need of some files and stuff off of the server that Doug White
> has.
>  > Calling and emailing has resulted in nothing.  We've filed a
> report with
>  > the San Antonio Police Department and are in the process of
> filing a law
>  > suit.  I'd like to avoid all of that by getting in touch with
> him, but
>  > it appears that he's trying to skip out of the business with
> everyone's
>  > money and files.  Anyone have any information that could help?
> Thanks.
>  >
>  > John Burns
>  >
>  >
> ________________________________
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