Ok, but until you install it you are not going to know if the hot-fix
has extra bugs in it. I agree that if a server is stable then
installing hot-fixes doesn't make sense. I guess my point is more that
would be nice to be informed a new fix is available and be given the
chance to evaulate it.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 09:27:09 -0400
Subject: RE: Hot-fixes

> I have been speaking someone at Macromedia about getting a mailing
> list set up to alert users about Hot-fixes, and the reason that was
> given for not have a list was, and I quote:
> "With hotfixes, we recommend that you install them only if you need
> them. Unlike security bulletins, we expect people to look for a hotfix
> to solve a specific problem - not to install every hotfix."
> Personally I think this sounds very strange as bug fix is a bug fix
> whether you need it or not. Ok I agree that unless you are suffering
> from the problem caused by the bug, you are not going to benefit from
> the fix straight away, but surely it is still better to have the fix
> installed and the bug removed than leave the bug there only to fall
> over it some time down the line.

What makes you think the hotfix has no bugs of its own?

If something works satisfactorily, you may be better off leaving it as it
is. Hotfixes address specific problems, but they potentially introduce new
unknown problems. The best example I can think of is with the database
drivers. There were all sorts of problems with the database drivers shipped
with CFMX 6.1, but there are also problems with the newer drivers. For most
people I've dealt with, the new problems are less serious than the old ones,
but it hasn't been that way for everyone.

Granted, some of the hotfixes are very simple, and unlikely to have bugs,
but this is something you'd want to evaluate on a case-by-case basis.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444________________________________
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