> I'm having a similar problem. I'm almost positive it's a
> "security fix" in MSIE. The main function of the application
> I'm building is to create and present PDF docs to the user.
> If we use FireFox, the PDF loads correctly in the Acrobat
> plug-in, inside the browser. If we use MSIE (6.0.x), we get a
> dialog box (stating Adobe Acrobat ActiveX component) that
> prompts to Save or Open the file. Some versions of IE don't
> even offer the Open option.
> If you Save the file in MSIE, it saves as index.cfm (as
> expected). Change ".cfm" to ".pdf" and it opens in Acrobat
> Reader properly.
> If you Open the file and ".cfm" is mapped to a program, it
> opens in that program as text. Otherwise you get the list of
> all programs, you can choose Acrobat/Acrobat Reader and the
> PDF displays correctly.
> It was the case in years past and (IIRC) earlier this year
> that you could open a PDF served by <cfcontent> inside MSIE
> correctly. Something has to have changed in the way MSIE
> functions.

You should be able to specify a different name within your CFCONTENT tag:


The PDF link in that page worked for me in IE6 on Windows XP SP2.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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