I really don't know, but it shouldn't take too long to test. Dump the
variables scope in a CT and in a cfc (that should cover attributes,
caller, this & thistag) Make sure there is something in the scope and
see if it gets dumped. I don't think any of them will be in that scope.
Watch out if you dump the variables scope: it can become quite large.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 12 October 2004 00:32
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Scopes. Which are nested?
> I'm looking to cfdump out data as part of an error handler and don't
> want to repeat myself.  Especially since I am storing data in a db
> with a finite field size.  I know the cfcatch scope is contained
> within the variables scope (so I don't need to cfdump out both to get
> the cfcatch data) but are there others?  Specifically the following:
> Are they also inside of the variables scope?  Seems to me Error is
> not, but the rest I don't have much experience dumping out.
> --
> --Matt Robertson--
> President, Janitor
> MSB Designs, Inc.
> mysecretbase.com
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