Thanks Dave. cfhttp was what I needed.
Robert O.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 2:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: cfinclude or cflocation
> I have a slight problem. I need to include code from one page
> into another. I tried cfinclude but it won't allow a logical
> path using "http:\\..."
> CFlocation sends me right to the url bypassing the page.
> I need something similar to what is found in html using an
> insert to put in a portion of another page only this is for
> .cfm pages.
> Any suggestions or other tags I could use?
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do. The CFINCLUDE tag doesn't let
you reference files on another server. You can, however, reference any files
that CF can get to on your own server. If you must include content from a
file on another server, you will either have to use CFHTTP or CFFILE to
retrieve that file first.
Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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- cfinclude or cflocation Robert Orlini
- Re: cfinclude or cflocation Umer Farooq
- RE: cfinclude or cflocation Dave Watts
- Robert Orlini