You may want to sign up as a PayPal developer, which allows you to use test account.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: dave
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 3:23 PM
  Subject: Re: PayPal and But it Now buttons

  its pretty easy
  if ur using dw there are a few extensions for it, u just need to tweak it abit  for dynamic content.
  pablo has a tut on about using there notification upon purchase feature. there are also some test scripts out there u can use with fake transactions and paypal, at least used to have a bit of info on using them on the site

  ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
  From: "Ewok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date:  Fri, 15 Oct 2004 15:18:23 -0400

  >I've never used PayPal on a site but guess what. now I don't have an option.
  >I see a lot of PayPal stores and buy it now buttons all over the web so I
  >figured someone here has done what I need somewhere down the line.
  >There is absolutely no need for a cart in what I have. Registered users will
  >only be buying one product at a time (limited to one)
  >I had hoped to do simple "Buy It Now" buttons and pass what I need to PayPal
  >that way. That much was easy. But I'm not sure if PayPal confirms a
  >transaction in a way that I can decide rather or not the order went through.
  >Anybody know of any tags? Documentation on but it now? How to test it
  >without it actually having to transfer money between PayPal accounts?
  >Any help at all would be great
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