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"CFX_Text2Query works better than other methods because it can handle
empty fields and fields with line breaks.."

"One alternative, using CFHTTP, requires the file to be
web-accessible, and cannot handle empty fields OR line breaks. This
often results in the "Incorrect number of columns in row." error and a
lot of headaches."

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 18:56:47 -0400, Anders Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interesting. Seems that CFHTTP can turn a .csv file
> into a query easily. But CFFILE can't.
> So I can pull the file from another server and handle
> it easily, but not when it's on my own machine?
> Weird.
> Ok, I guess I could copy the file to the web root,
> CFHTTP it from myself, then delete it, but that
> seems a little roundabout.
> Or, read it in, parse it, etcetera. Certainly doable,
> but not as oh-look-its-done-already easy. I have to
> do that anyway for a different file that's certainly
> NOT csv, and once would be just fine. :)
> Anyone want to jump in here?
> Cheers!
> Anders
> +===========================================================+
> |Anders Green                 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
> |                              Home: 919.303.0218           |
> |        Off Road Rally Racing Team: |
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