Here's the simplest example (the test I originally performed, which syncs an
Oracle Text index using the built-in package ctx_ddl):

<cfset MyIndexName = "idx_fulltext"
<cfquery datasource="My_DSN" name="QUpdateTextIndex">
  ctx_ddl.sync_index(<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"

OK, so that wasn't all that interesting, but it does work in CFMX. It's more
worthwhile when you need named parameters, for one of the alternative forms
of an overloaded prodecure.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yexley Robert D Contr AFRL/PROE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 7 October 2004 12:17
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Oracle PL/SQL connection through ColdFusion

Would you be able to provide a code sample of an anonymous PL/SQL block
within a <cfquery> tag? Particularly one that requires arguments if
possible. I'd be interested in seeing an example of that approach, as I've
never seen any sort of documentation on how to implement this. I think
that's exactly what the original message was requesting as well, so I think
it would help a number of people out. Thanks very much for straightening me
out.  ;)
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