uhhhhhhhh halloween on bourbon street???

fuckin a

we are dressing up...my wife and i...

she is going to be a blue fairy, and im going to be a blue something
with spiked black hair and dark glasses...call me "the blue guy" i
guess :)

other than that, i hear there are some cool ghost tours and stuff...

:) tw

On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 13:11:15 -0400, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So has anyone done any research on things to do in New Orleans?  My
> coworkers and I are all flying in Saturday, and I'm hoping to find a
> good jazz club Saturday night.
> Last year in Salt Lake City, we went skiing one night... gotta take
> advantage of free trips when you can!
>  - Rick
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