sleep? whats that?
no i havent used either one.
if i was gunna grab xml like that i would just do it in flash, much easier

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Britta Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Thu, 07 Oct 2004 01:57:34 -0400

>Thanks for all your help Dave, I'm off for a few hours sleep now, catch up in the morning..
>cfm?promoid=home_short_exchange_052804#view=sn106&viewName=Exchange%20Search%20Details&loc=en_us&authorid=33391378&page=0&scrollPos=0&subcatid=0&snid=sn106&> itemnumber=7&extid=1010900&catid=0&promoid=home_short_exchange_052804
>> $50 though ouchy
>> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>> From: Britta Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date:  Thu, 07 Oct 2004 01:30:33 -0400
>> >Hi Dave,
>> >
>> >I couldn't agree more, I hate template sites with a passion.. that's
>> part of the reason I'm actually importing the listing data to the
>> realtor dbase to be able to reformat it, add more photos, downloads
>> etc and completely change the look of it.  
>> >
>> >I sure wouldn't mind talking to you off the list in detail, you can
>> email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..   Problem is I'm in a *bit* over
>> my head because I'm used to coding "straight" cf, and the XML part of
>> it is just throwing me for a loop.  The example you showed me, could
>> that work with a remote cfm page such as: http://mlsr.realtylink.
>> org/mlsr_xml/res_sale_result.cfm?agentid=#realtornumber#&mxrw=5"  ??
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> well a few things here
>> >> my real job is in real estate so ia very comfy with the situation
>> >> u can also contact me off list if u want to and i will see what i
>> can
>> >> do
>> >>
>> >> first thing is i would have a lil talk to the realtors about using
>> >> those sites off the board or sites such as From
>> personal
>> >> experience thats about the worst thing they can do. Why? well, i
>> can
>> >> say that probably 99% of the ppl visiting their sites have already
>> >> seen those properties on amd seeing them again in the
>> same
>> >> format just makes the visitors go, next.... and they are gone. They
>> >> wanna see something they havent seen before. its just like every
>> >> realtor has too have all these damn links to schools and community
>> and
>> >> everything. Thats crazy! the ppl already know so why give them
>> links
>> >> to leave?
>> >>
>> >> anyways, back to what u have
>> >> i'll look through some stuff and see if i have any tags for that,
>> >> seems to me there are a lot and i think one of the devnets has
>> >> something as well.
>> >>
>> >> or u can probably do a cfhttp get the info parse it and insert
>> >>
>> >> as far as the cfc goes, heres one right outta by cheapo realtor
>> site
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> <cfcomponent>
>> >   
>> >> <cffunction name="getDetails" access="public" returntype="query"
>> >> output="false" hint="chosen listings details">
>> >>      <cfset var qLD = "">
>> >> <!--- set site dsn connection --->
>> >> <cfset dsn = "yourdsn">
>> >> <cfset un = "yourun">
>> >> <cfset pw = "yourpw">
>> >            
>> >> <cfquery name="qLD" datasource="#dsn#" username="#un#"
>> >> password="#pw#">
>> >            
>> >> SELECT *
>> >            
>> >> FROM listings
>> >            
>> >> WHERE listingID = <cfqueryparam value="#URL.listingID#"
>> >> cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
>> >            
>> >> </cfquery>
>> >            
>> >> <cfreturn qLD>
>> >   
>> >> </cffunction>
>> >> </cfcomponent>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>> >> From: Britta Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >> Date:  Thu, 07 Oct 2004 00:52:59 -0400
>> >>
>> >> >Hi Dave,
>> >> >
>> >> >Just because that's what it's provided to me as on the remote page.
>> >> >Would the realty board have to reformat their information or
>> provide
>> >> it in a different format for me to access via CFC?  Are there any
>> >> CFC's you might recomend for the job of parsing the info or setting
>> it
>> >> up on their side?
>> >> >
>> >> >Thanks so much..
>> >> >Britta
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >
>> >
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