On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 17:02:49 -0400, Damien McKenna
> The best way is to do your page layouts using CSS, then have a
> print-media CSS file that reformats your content as needed.  This is
> what I'll be doing next-week on our main site as right now it doesn't
> print well on IE (its fine on Firefox though :) ).  Basically, duplicate
> your main CSS file and include it into your page like this:
> <link rel="stylesheet" type"text/*css*" href=""> > media="*print*" />
> instead of:
> <link rel="stylesheet" type"text/*css*" href=""> > media="*screen*" />
> Give it a shot.  That's what many companies do today and it works great
> from what I've seen.

That's not what he's trying to accomplish though. What you've noted
above only deals with suppressing elements in your HTML. He wants to
turn off the header/footer information that a browser automatically
adds to a printout (URL, page numbers, etc.), which you can't do.

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