> I am curious do you make a SP for each query need.  Meaning for example 
do you have a separate SP for inserts that go into table A, B, or C.  Or do 
you have one single SP that handles all three based upon what is fed into it?

The simple answer is, yes every insert is its own procedure. Yes. every 
delete is its own procedure.  Yes, nearly every update is a procedure. Yep, 
that's a lot of procedures. Nope, it is not a programming problem. No there 
is not one procedure to handle alternate procedures.

This a good leading question as why I built  CFSQLTool  -- inserts -- and 
why each requires it's own procedure. Oh, there are people trying to do 
schema analysis of meta-data to do one-fit-all queries, but these seem more 
difficult to manage for support.  My approach with CFSQLTool was to make it 
as easy and as fast as possible to generate procedures. While, the tool 
does both stored procedure and ad hoc queries using the same techniques, 
stored procedures should be used for inserts and deletes.

CFSQLTool has something called an insert predictor. (I don't know of any 
other SQL tool that has this feature, it is what got me started writing 
CFSQLTool in the first place.)  The insert predictor looks at the schema 
for the table and makes a guess based on some simple rules to build a 
proper insert statement.

The insert predictor should always propose  a correct insert statement for 
the table based on the data model.  If the table uses identity columns as 
the primary key, the delete predictor proposes a delete statement.  Also, 
the update predictor overstates a proposed update statement but is accurate 
for editing.  The select predictor has no pre-defined constraints (where 
clause), these can be added with the user interface.

I designed CFSQLTool for programmers. It writes both cfquery and stored 
procedure style queries using checkboxes to modify code generation. This 
approach allows code design from the application prospective but still 
proposes queries based on the schema. Tools that exclusively use the schema 
for query proposals limit application design.


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