My two cents:

I (sinfully) use the plurals in the table names.  Can be confusing, yes, but
if you are consistent one way or the other, you should be able to remember
what you are doing.

My rules:
1) Each table name has a related table abbreviation (e.g., CLIENTS has CLI,
2) Each column in a table contains the table abbreviation (e.g., CLI_Fname,
CLI_Lname, CLI_HatSize).
3) The primary key of a table consists of "pk" followed by the table
abbreviation (e.g., pkCLI, pkPHONE).
4) Foreign keys in a table consist of "fk" followed by the local table
abbreviation followed by an underscore followed by "pk" followed by the
foreign table abbreviation (e.g., fkCLI_pkPHONE is the foreign key
referencing the primary key of the PHONE table).  Note: there are two
circumstances under which this wouldn't hold: (1) if your foreign key
references something other than the primary key of the foreign table; and
(2) if two foreign keys in your table reference the same primary key in
another table (e.g., a table marked CALLS twice refers to pkUSR, once for
the person who called and once for the person who answered: the notation
can't be fkCALL_pkUSR for both, but is instead fkCALL_pkUSRFrom and
5) Junction tables use the two table names/abbreviations separated by an "x"
(e.g., CLIENTSxLOCATIONS is the junction table between the CLIENTS and
LOCATIONS tables, with a primary key of pkCLIxLOC, and--the longest and
messiest within my system--foreign keys referring to CLIENTS and LOCATIONS:
fkCLIxLOC_pkCLI and fkCLIxLOC_pkLOC).
6) If you have a table which lists the types of things in another table,
follow it's name and abbreviation with the letters "ty".  For example, in
this example, the table listing the types of clients would be CLIENTSty,
with an abbreviation of CLIty.  CLIENTS then would likely have a column
called fkCLI_pkCLIty that tells what kind of client it is.
7) When I am writing SQL, I strictly adhere to the cases as I have them
written above.  This makes a HUGE difference in readability.  Indeed, much
of my system is predicated on the fact that changing case can really stand
out.  "fkCLIxLOC_pkCLI" is extremely clear in meaning to me in large part
because of this.  FKCLIXLOC_PKCLI is not so clear.

This may sound a bit complicated, but I find that the code is very easy to
read.  When I come back to a project I have not worked on in a long time, I
can read the SQL without any trouble.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Dixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:30 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Field Naming

Hi Everyone.

I'm just starting a major project for a government client and the first job
is to design the database. Is there any recongnised convention on the naming
of database fields. In the past I have always named them
[table_name_field_name] for example: projects_id where the table is called
'projects' and the field is called 'id'.

Thanks in advanced.

Best Regards


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