I have an array of structures in a UDF. I am trying to see if a certain key
exists in the structure and if it does I want to highlight the row. When I
tried this code <CFIF form.process AND StructFindKey( #reqiredfields()#,
"main" )> I got a 500 internal error. Then when I just tried to output the
new structure I got an error saying Complex object types cannot be converted
to simple values. I have included all of the code below. Can someone please
help me with this. Thanks. 



<!--- Are required fields filled in ---> 

<cffunction name="reqiredfields" returntype="array"> 

<!--- validate your inputs, set Variables.ErrorText if anything failes ---> 

<cfif not len(form.city) or not len(form.country) or not len(form.mgender)
or not len(form.dob1) or not len(form.title) or not len(form.message) or not
len(form.yold) or not len(form.mold) 

<-- If Error is found, create an Array of Structures ---> 

<Cfset emessage = ArrayNew(1)> 

<Cfset emessage [1] = StructNew()> 

<Cfset emessage[1].ecode = "main"> 

<cfset emessage[1].edisplay = "Required fields are blank"> 

<!--- No City ---> 

<cfelseif form.city is ""> 

<Cfset emessage [2] = StructNew()> 

<Cfset emessage[2].ecode = "city"> 

<cfset emessage[2].edisplay = "You must fill in your city"> 


<cfreturn emessage> 




Looking for Structure 

<!--- If something failed, tell the user what it was ---> 

<CFIF form.process AND StructFindKey( #reqiredfields()#, "main" )> 

<Caption align="center" valign="top"


<Caption align="center" valign="top" class="error">All fields marked with *
are required</Caption> 



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