working on converting this page here is the asp code, mostly interested in the paging part
<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Response.Buffer=True %> <% Dim GuestBookName dim GuestbookUrl Dim MailBox Dim Password1 Dim AllowUbbcode Dim ConnectionString Dim PageSize Dim AdminLogFlag IF Session("AdminLogged")<>1 THEN AdminLogFlag=0 ELSE AdminLogFlag=1 END IF 'default Ado Connection Object dim conn 'default ado recordset object dim rs PageSize=15 GuestBookName=" " AllowUbbCode=False ConnectionString="Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);dbq=" & Server.MapPath("Database/GuestBook.mdb") Dim i Dim intPageCount Dim intRecordCount Dim page if isempty(Request("Page")) then Page=1 else if isnumeric(request("page")) then on error resume next Page=clng(abs(Request("Page"))) if err.number<>0 then Page=1 err.clear end if on error goto 0 else Page=1 end if end if Response.ContentType = "text/xml" Response.Expires = -1 Response.Write "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='GB2312'?>" Response.Write "<threads " Set con=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") con.Open ConnectionString Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") rs.Open "select * from GuestBook order by postdatetime desc",con,3 intRecordCount=rs.RecordCount if not (rs.EOF and rs.BOF) then rs.PageSize=PageSize intPageCount=rs.PageCount if page>intPageCount then page=intPageCount end if rs.AbsolutePage=Page Response.Write "PageCount="""&intPageCount&""" RecordCount="""&intRecordCount&""" AdminLog="""&AdminLogFlag&""">" for i=1 to pagesize if rs.EOF then exit for end if Response.Write "<message>" Response.Write "<subject>" Response.Write rs("subject") Response.Write "</subject>" Response.Write "<number>" Response.Write rs("number") Response.Write "</number>" Response.Write "<email>" Response.Write rs("email") Response.Write "</email>" Response.Write "<url>" Response.Write rs("url") Response.Write "</url>" Response.Write "<body><![CDATA[" Response.Write rs("message") Response.Write "]]></body>" Response.Write "<sex>" Response.Write rs("sex") Response.Write "</sex>" Response.Write "<reply><![CDATA[" Response.Write rs("reply") Response.Write "]]></reply>" Response.Write "<icon>" Response.Write rs("icon") Response.Write "</icon>" Response.Write "<posted>" Response.Write rs("postdatetime") Response.Write "</posted>" Response.Write "<face>" Response.Write rs("face") Response.Write "</face>" Response.Write "<username>" Response.Write rs("username") Response.Write "</username>" Response.Write "<icq>" Response.Write rs("icq") Response.Write "</icq>" Response.Write "</message>" rs.MoveNext NEXT END IF rs.Close Set rs=nothing con.Close Set con=nothing Response.Write "</threads>" %> i have this so far, however i get this error and have no idea on it yet [quote] An error occured while Parsing an XML document. The reference to entity "lt..." must end with the ';' delimiter.[/quote] <!--- get message list ---> <cfquery name="qGetXMLlist" datasource="#dsn#" username="#un#" password="#pw#"> SELECT * FROM guestbook ORDER BY postdatetime desc </cfquery> <CFXML variable="messagesXML"> <message> <cfoutput query="qGetXMLlist"> <subject>#subject#</subject> <number>#number#</number> <email>#email#</email> <url>#url#</url> <body><![CDATA[#message#]]></body> <sex>#sex#</sex> <reply><![CDATA[#reply#]]></reply> <icon>#icon#</icon> <posted>#postdatetime#</posted> <face>#face#</face> <username>#username#</username> <icq>#icq#</icq> <br /> </cfoutput> </message> </CFXML> <cffile action="write" file="messages.xml" output="#ToString(messagesXML)#"> ---> <!--- stuff the results into cfdump for viewing in the browser ---> <cfdump var=#messagesXML#> tia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Sams Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes by Ben Forta Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Donations & Support: