Imagine do u have application where the user can built his own report
visually (ie: one form with differents fields of the table in database and u
want to built the report output, Employees from the sales department where
the amount of their sales is greather than 30 000 dls  )...the imagine u can
save in the server the schema of that report , then when other user connect
to u application can use this report only changing the criteria 30 000 ...If
u try to save this schema in some relational database the amount of time u
will need to translate it will be greather than in XML file


        <Title id="1">Sales amounts</Title>
        <...other data>
        <DEFANGED_SELECT>Select field 1, field2, field3 from Table1 INNER Joing
...etc,etc...more complex sql </DEFANGED_SELECT>
                <Field name="field2">
                <Field name="field3">
                        <FieldValue>Sales Department</FieldValue>

It's just an example.....

M.Sc. Hassan Arteaga Rodríguez
Microsoft Certified System Engineer
IT Specialist
DIGI Grupo de Desarrollo. COPEXTEL, S.A.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Johnny Le [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 9:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: XML faster?

Is it faster to connect to an XML file than to a database?  Assuming both
store the same amount of data.  I know that getting the data in and out is
easier with a database, but I wonder if it is faster with XML.
XML vs. Access?
XML vs. SQL Server?
XML vs. MySQL?
XML vs. Oracle?


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