I am looping over a result set to insert the results into a new table.

Select Query
<cfquery name="Select2" datasource="Intranet">
SELECT   Barcode, ItemID, Title
FROM     stockitemdetails
ORDER BY Barcode

Insert Query
<cfloop query="Select2">
  <cfoutput>#Select2.ItemID# - #Select2.Barcode# -
  <cfquery name="Insert1" datasource="Intranet">
  INSERT INTO barcodes (Barcode, ItemID)
  VALUES (#Select2.Barcode#,#Select2.ItemID#)

It should also be noted that the barcodes table includes an ID column which
is an Auto Increment primary key, and the barcode column is INT(13) zerofill
indexed as unique.

When this template is executed the first 4 values are inserted correctly,
however the 5th inserts the barcode wrong (as 0004294967295 where the output
is 0008811171629) and the 6th then errors by trying to insert this same
wrong value again even though the output is unique (0008811953928).  The
error generated is...

Invalid argument value: Duplicate entry '0004294967295' for key 2

However the error box lists the SQL statement in question as...

INSERT INTO barcodes (Barcode, ItemID) VALUES (0008811953928,17870)

Could anyone tell me why the number 0004294967295 is causing an error when
the SQL statement doesn't even show it being used?

NOTE: If I remove the requirement for the barcode column to be unique then
almost all of the barcodes are inserted as this same wrong number, and by
almost all I mean only 20 or so work correctly out of about 10,000 total

James Smith

Sams Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes  by Ben Forta 

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