On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 12:59:51 -0400, Jonathan Nickle
> Problem with the XML solution I just found was that the XML file that is created 
> (named file.xls) is HUGE.  30,000 records (with only 12 columns of text) creates a 
> 42MB file.  When this file is then saved through Excel as an .xls workbook it is 
> only 16MB.  There is obviously some overhead in file size with the XML file.
> Not only is this huge, but Excel takes an extra long time to translate this file 
> when opening (3 minutes on a very fast machine).
> In addition, when I tried to produce a file with 120,000 records (split into 3 
> sheets), it bombed out with the out of memory error.  This makes sense after I saw 
> what the file size is with ony 30,000 records.  Arghhh!!!
> Next approach I am working on is to use the COM object and interface with Excel 
> automatically...

Have you tried using the Apache POI project's stuff, which is a Java
API to Microsoft file types? Check this blog out for Excel stuff. It's
really slick:



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