<CFQUERY datasource="#DSN#" name="auth">
FROM PenPals
WHERE PP_Username = '#Form.PP_Username#'
<CFIF auth.recordcount GT "0">
I'm sorry someone has already chosen that username, please go back
and choose another.
<CFINSERT dataSource="#dsn#" tableName="PenPals">

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Kelly Matthews
Internet Development Coordinator

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Toevs [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 12:02 PM
> Subject:      RE: UserAction.cfm
> How would that query look?
> >>> Kelly Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/29/00 08:43AM >>>
> What i normally do is FIRST I RUN a QUERY against the database
> seeing if the USERNAME that was passed is equal to any username in the 
> database. Then i do a <CFIF query.recordcount GT "1">
> and show a message that the username is taken and then a <CFELSE>
> that does the insert. That way if the query comes back with at least
> ONE record you know the user id is taken if it comes back with ZERO
> you do the insert.
> Kelly
> Stay current with what's happening on AirportNet. Subscribe to our 
> Announcement list today: http://www.airportnet.org/email.htm 
> ---------------------------------------
> Kelly Matthews
> Internet Development Coordinator
> 703.578.2509
> http://www.airportnet.org 
> ---------------------------------------
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Jeremy Toevs [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> > Sent:       Tuesday, August 29, 2000 11:49 AM
> > To: <
> > Subject:    UserAction.cfm
> > 
> > When you have a "No Duplicates" field in the database and a duplicate is
> > entered, CF returns somewhat of a weird error message. How do you get it
> > to return an error message saying "This UserName is already in use,
> choose
> > another." UserName being the "No Duplicates" field. Here is my action
> cfm:
> > 
> > *********************************************************
> > 
> > <cfquery datasource="DSN" name="AddUser">
> > INSERT INTO Users (UserName, RealName, Email)
> > VALUES ('#UserName#','#RealName#','#Email#')
> > </cfquery>
> > 
> > *********************************************************
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > 
> > Jeremy
> > 
> >
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