I tried this and it worked. 

<cfset list = "|153564587|0|SAT|FREEDMAN|||||||1|||10/17/2004|10/18/2004">
<cfdump var="#listtoarray( replace( list, '||', '| |', 'All' ), '|' )#">

On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 11:20:41 -0400, Asim Manzur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> |153564587|0|SAT|FREEDMAN|||||||1|||10/17/2004|10/18/2004
> I need to move all the valus in a into individual Structure/Array Keys. so I 
> can display them individually.
> The above result I have it in a Varilable.
> If I use the listGetAt() I can't move value becuase two || are todather(no 
> space between them).
> What is the best way to acheive this??

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