We turned off 'maintain connections' for the DSN for this app and
bamm!  workie works!


On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 07:53:39 -0600, Greg Morphis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well maybe the problem is with Oracle but the root of it isnt Oracle..
> it's something with the way CF builds those queries and loads those
> files.
> On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 07:48:11 -0600, Greg Morphis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The problem isnt with Oracle.. I wrote 2 non-dynamic queries and
> > uploaded several documents in a row. So it has to be within the query
> > and the building of the dynamic query structure.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 07:07:20 -0600, Greg Morphis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I've got an upload utility I'm using to allow the client to upload a
> > > txt file which could go into 1 of 33 different tables.. the reports
> > > are structured so differently it's impossible to put them all into one
> > > table.
> > >
> > > After uploading the first document (304 rows), I try to upload another
> > > this one has 294. It gets to about 190-200 rows before crapping out on
> > > me.
> > > Cold Fusion reports "maximum opened cursors exceeded".
> > > I did some research and checked with our DBA.. Our cursor limit is set at 
> > > 1500.
> > >
> > > I've looked over my code and cant see an issue with it.
> > > I uploaded 2 documents each with 1 row without a problem.
> > > I've uploaded 1 document with 800+ rows without a problem.
> > > I've uploaded a document of 1600 rows with no problem. It's real odd, when
> > > I get the Error, if I click on the link to take me back to the page
> > > and try again.. it works.. but then if I follow it with another file..
> > > it bombs out on me.
> > >
> > > Has anyone seen this before and can anyone suggest an idea.
> > > I'd like to ask for an increase of the cursor limit as a last resort.
> > >
> > > <code>
> > >
> > > <cfset isProblem = "no">
> > > <cftransaction action="begin">
> > > <cftry>
> > >       <cfquery name="getSweepID" 
> > > datasource="#application.config.getDSN()#">
> > >               SELECT seq_sweep_id.nextval AS id FROM DUAL
> > >       </cfquery>
> > >       <!--- insert main record --->
> > >
> > >       <cfquery name="sweepInsert" 
> > > datasource="#application.config.getDSN()#">
> > >               INSERT INTO SWEEP_MAIN
> > >               (
> > >                       SWEEP_ID, PHONE_ID, ACTIONUSER, ACTIONDATE, 
> > >               )
> > >               VALUES
> > >               (
> > >                       <cfqueryparam value="#getSweepId.id#"
> > > cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric">,
> > >                       <cfqueryparam value="#form.phoneid#"
> > > cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric">,
> > >                       <cfqueryparam value="#session.user.emplid#"
> > > cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">,
> > >                       sysdate,
> > >                       <cfqueryparam value="#form.category_id#"
> > > cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric">
> > >               )
> > >       </cfquery>
> > >
> > >       <!--- get table name --->
> > >       <cfquery name="getTable" datasource="#application.config.getDSN()#">
> > >               SELECT sweep_table AS tbl_name FROM CATEGORY_SWEEP
> > >               WHERE category_id = <cfqueryparam value="#form.category_id#"
> > > cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric">
> > >       </cfquery>
> > >       <!--- get table columns --->
> > >       <cfquery name="getCols" datasource="#application.config.getDSN()#">
> > >               SELECT collate(t.column_name) as columns
> > >               FROM all_tab_columns t
> > >               WHERE t.table_name= '#getTable.tbl_name#'
> > >               ORDER BY column_id
> > >       </cfquery>
> > >       <!--- loop over record and insert into table --->
> > >
> > >       <cfset strLen = ListLen(getCols.columns,',')>
> > >       <cfset counter = 1>
> > >       <cfoutput>Please Wait Loading...<br/></cfoutput>
> > >       <cffile action="read"
> > > file="#cffile.serverDirectory#\#cffile.serverFile#"
> > > variable="fileData">
> > >       <cfloop index="record" list="#fileData#" 
> > > delimiters="#chr(10)##chr(13)#">
> > >       <cfif counter gt 1>
> > >               <cfquery name="qryInsert"
> > > datasource="#application.config.getDSN()#">
> > >               INSERT INTO #getTable.tbl_name# (#getCols.columns#)
> > >               VALUES
> > >               (
> > >               <cfqueryparam value="#getSweepId.id#"
> > > cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric">,
> > >               <cfloop from="1" to="#strLen-2#" index="i">
> > >
> > > <cfoutput>'#replace(evaluate("listgetat(record,#i#,chr(9))"),'"','',"all")#'</cfoutput>,
> > >               </cfloop>
> > >               '#evaluate("listgetat(record,#strLen-1#,chr(9))")#'
> > >               )
> > >               </cfquery>
> > >
> > >       </cfif>
> > >       <cfset counter = counter + 1>
> > >       </cfloop>
> > >
> > >       <CFCATCH type="Any">
> > >       <cfoutput>
> > >                <h3>Oops, There's been an error</h3>
> > >                Please try again, if the problem persists <br/>
> > >                notify the administrator<br/>
> > >                Message :#CFCATCH.message#<p>
> > >                Type :#CFCATCH.type#<p>
> > >                <cfset isProblem = "yes">
> > >                <p<i>Rolling back the attempted transaction</i></p>
> > >                <cftransaction action="ROLLBACK" />
> > >                <cfquery name="delFile"
> > > datasource="#application.config.getDSN()#">
> > >                       DELETE FROM DOCUMENTS WHERE DOCID = <cfqueryparam
> > > cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric" value="#docid#">
> > >                </cfquery>
> > >       </cfoutput>
> > >       </CFCATCH>
> > > </cftry>
> > > <cfif isproblem eq "no">
> > >       <cftransaction action="COMMIT" />
> > >       <script language="Javascript">
> > >               <!--
> > >               alert("Finished: <cfoutput>#counter-2#</cfoutput> rows 
> > > added");
> > >               location.href="../upload/"
> > >               -->
> > >       </script>
> > > </cfif>
> > > </cftransaction>
> > > </cfif>
> > >
> > > </code>
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Auxilium meum a Domino
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Auxilium meum a Domino
> >
> --
> Auxilium meum a Domino

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor - CFHosting.net

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