On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 09:50:27 -0400, Michael Dinowitz
> They video taped the whole thing and if it comes out ok we'll have it posted. 
> I'll try to get their slides as well.
> I've got ideas for what to do with it using CF to generate the data and 
> XAMLon to compile it into a small .exe for download. Build your own apps. :)
> >I was unable to attend the meeting but I would be interested in seeing if
> >Michael will posting the presentations on House of Fusion.
> >
> >Also I have been reading up on XAML on DevX and it does sound interesting.
> >
> >Here is the link:
> >http://www.devx.com/dotnet/Article/22341
> >

Hi. I was there and just wanted to offer my impression with regard to
their presentation. Overall, they were good speakers who were clearly
knowledgable and have a great vision for Xamlon. For those not
familiar with XAML, it is Microsoft's new language for building the UI
layer for web and Windows applications in Longhorn (using the Avalon
subsystem). Essentially, it is Flex, but for building .NET and Windows
applications -- they are almost direct competitors. However, flex
costs $12K and Xamlon's product is $349 per year for developers,
including subscription updates for 1 year. So clearly there is a cost
difference. Also, at this point, it only works for the Windows OS --
no Mac or *nix support. However, their road map hints strongly that
support for other platforms is on the horizon.

As for the preso, I don't think you're going to get any more out of it
than you would if you go to Xamlon's web site and/or to their blogs
(www.xamlon.com and www.xamlblogs.com). All they had were
animation-type examples, with no real-world applications to show off.
In fact, they even conceded that such a real-world application doesn't
even exist yet to demo!! Don't misunderstand, it's a really slick
product with a lot of potential, and all Windows applications (and
.NET web apps) will be built with this technology  in the future (MS
will be back-porting  Avalon to work with Windows XP as well, but not
Windows 9x and 2K), but this actual presentation was a bit light on
the types of examples that would really pique a CFer's interest (i.e.,
no charting, dashboard, web service examples, though they claim it can
be done). I'd suggest going to the URLs I noted above.


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