Macromedia is just too late with unique features[/quote]


what other platform has as many built-in features as coldfusion?

heres a quote from earlier on another lisr
[quote]I imagined MacroMedia would not turn 
out a template that did not work in all browsers on all platforms[/quote]

2 stupidest things i have heard in a LONG ASS TIME

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Micha Schopman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Wed, 17 Nov 2004 09:52:04 +0100

>Same story everywhere, except the US I guess. 
>Macromedia is just too late with unique features. It was BlueDragon who
>had to come up with the feature of deploying compiled ColdFusion apps
>first despite the fact it was widely requested (since v4.0 people
>requested it) as a builtin functionality in ColdFusion. And seriously, I
>want a product that runs, is stable, but through the years .. ColdFusion
>always had the sense of being unstable. <= 5 locking up and being thread
>unsafe, 6.* too much Java dependent stability .. (increase this heap,
>decrease that heap, do this with memory, do that, check for GC size,
>monitor this, monitor that..) I just want a product that runs out of the
>box stable without setting up several failover instances.. and yes,
>under load, not only my average personal administration but also the
>applications we sell to our customers. And those issues aren't caused by
>bad code.
>I am not saying the product is dying but I haven't got the feeling it is
>growing either, it remains a niche product and it if I believe our sales
>team, they have a hard time selling the product. I am committed in
>learning other languages; no Cold Fusion jobs would mean no paycheck.
>And if you really look at it, why would you choose ColdFusion?, the only
>thing I could come up with is the low learning curve. Every language has
>a learning curve, but once you get over it you can use the language like
>any other product. The most important things in building applications
>are the experiences from previous projects. And looking at ASP.NET, my
>apps in C# are astonishing quick, structured, can be deployed anywhere,
>and too be honest I didn't found the learning curve to be that steep, it
>is just different.
>Micha Schopman
>Software Engineer
>Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 AL  Amersfoort
>Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388
>KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo

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