I dont think you are understanding what I'm trying to do..
I already check for server validation on the processing page.
What I'm trying to prevent is from the user to hit submit without
checking a box using client validation... javascript. If they hit
submit I want to display a message that they havent selected
anything... before it goes to the processing page.

On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:57:14 -0500, Ewok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well since checkboxes don't really exist in the scope unless they were
> checked... I usually build cfparams for the fields with the same query and
> loop I built the form fields with. Then use the query loop again to check
> the value of the fields
> Basic example....
> <~--- to build the fields (which you already have ) --->
> <cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
> <input type="checkbox" value="#i#" name="fld_#i#"><br>
> </cfloop>
> <!--- then on the action page use the exat same loop that you built the
> fields with to make params for the fields (im sure urs is a query loop)
> So you don't get an error when you try to referecnce a field that wasn't
> checked --->
> <cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
> <cfparam name="form.fld_#i#" default="">
> </cfloop>
> <!--- then loop once more to check the values of the fields --->
> <cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
> FORM.FLD_#i# = #form['fld_' & i]#<br>
> </cfloop>
> You would just use currentrow or a recordID in your query loop rather than
> an index.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Morphis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 2:34 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: loop over form objects
> I have a page with X number of check boxes on it.
> I have a query which generates these check boxes.
> The query also returns the min and max value of the ID for those check
> boxes.
> Basically creating
> r_23
> r_24
> r_25
> r_26
> ... and so forth.
> I'm trying to loop over these fields to check to see if none are checked.
> for(i=<cfoutput>#sweeps.minval#</cfoutput>;i <
> <cfoutput>#sweeps.maxval#</cfoutput>; i++)
> {
> }
> In the above scenerio the for loop would translate to
> for(i=23;i<=26;i++)
> How do I check to see if r_i is checked..
> --
> Auxilium meum a Domino

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