What I seem to be having more of a problem with is the return url and the 
correct indexing of the search and it's settings. Is there a good site that 
shows some solid tutorials about settings up and correctly indexing verity 
collections in the Cold Fusion Administrator?

At 07:45 PM 11/17/2004, you wrote:
>ok, this code seems kosher.  But you want to index actual files on ur
>server in addition to the above?  You should be able to followt the
>above code as a template, the big diff will be the cfindex tag.  Check
>they have a great write up on how to mosh it all out.  After you do a
>cfsearch, use cfdump on the result and examine all the fields, it
>looks like you outputted the urlpath filed and teh actual path too.
>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 14:42:06 -0700, Jason Smith
> > The original developer of this web site made a serious mess, I'm still
> > looking for certain files to make changes I personally have never seen a
> > web site with so many useless files in so many locations but as I said I'm
> > new to cold fusion so if you can point me in the direction of what file is
> > most likely to contain the information you need it would help tremendously.
> >
> > Now like I said I have done some things with different cold fusion sites
> > however this is the first cf application I have seen that does not use a
> > global file for anything it would appear he puts all code in every file.
> > Plain and simple the entire application needs a rewrite but I'm really not
> > sure where all strings are that you might need to see.
> >
> > As far as I can tell this is the search info you might be looking for.
> >
> >          <!---  EXACT COLLECTION SEARCH --->
> >          <cfsearch
> >                  collection="itemCollection"
> >                  name="mySearchQuery"
> >                  type="simple"
> >                  criteria="'#exactSearch#'"
> >                  language="english"
> >                  external="no">
> >          <span style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px; padding: 2 3 2
> > 2; font-weight: bold; color: white; background-color: #336699;">EXACT
> > MATCHES FOR <cfoutput>'#UCASE(exactSearch)#'</cfoutput>.</span>
> >          <br><strong><cfoutput>#mySearchQuery.recordCount#</cfoutput>
> > Matching Items</strong><br>
> >          <hr size="1">
> >          <cfset iCount = 1>
> >          <cfif MySearchQuery.recordCount neq 0>
> >                  <cfset searchResultsYN = "YES">
> >                  <cfoutput query="MySearchQuery">
> >                          <cfset searchSummary =
> > REReplace(mySearchQuery.summary, "<[^>]*>", "", "ALL")>
> >                          <cfset searchSummary = Left(searchSummary, 175)>
> >                          <cfset searchSummary =
> > ReplaceNoCase(searchSummary, "#exactSearch#", "<span style='color:
> > ##FF6633; font-weight: bold;'><em>#exactSearch#</em></span>", "ALL")>
> >                          <table>
> >                                  <tr>
> >                                          <td colspan="2"
> > style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px;">#iCount#<cfset iCount =
> > iCount + 1>. <a
> > 
> href="#Request.RelRootPath#search/itemDetail_#mySearchQuery.key#.html"><strong>#MySearchQuery.Title#</strong></a>
> > &nbsp;<cfif isDefined('mySearchQuery.custom2') and mySearchQuery.custom2
> > neq 0><span style="color: red; font-weight:
> > bold;">#DollarFormat(mySearchQuery.custom2)#</span></cfif></td>
> >                                  </tr>
> >                                  <tr>
> >                                          <td>
> >                                          <cfif
> > isDefined('mySearchQuery.custom1') and mySearchQuery.custom1 neq "" and
> > mySearchQuery.custom1 neq " ">
> >                                                  <a
> > href="#Request.RelRootPath#search/itemDetail_#mySearchQuery.key#.html"
> > title="View Details of #MySearchQuery.Title#"><img
> > 
> src="#Request.RelRootPath#zimages/uploadedItemImages/thumbnail/#mySearchQuery.custom1#"
> > title="#MySearchQuery.Title#" alt="Used Business Equipment, SAVE MONEY"
> > height="45px"></a>
> >                                          <cfelse>
> >                                                  <a
> > href="#Request.RelRootPath#search/itemDetail_#mySearchQuery.key#.html"
> > title="View Details of #MySearchQuery.Title#"><img
> > src="#Request.RelRootPath#zimages/noImageFiller.gif" height="45px"></a>
> >                                          </cfif>
> >                                          </td>
> >                                          <td style="font-family: verdana;
> > font-size: 10px; width: 400px;">#searchSummary# (<span style="color: green;
> > font-weight: bold;">#Round(score * 100)#%&nbsp;Match</span>)</td>
> >                                  </tr>
> >                                  <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
> >                          </table>
> >                  </cfoutput>
> >          <cfelse>
> >          <span style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px; font-weight:
> > <cfoutput>'#UCASE(exactSearch)#'</cfoutput>.</span><br><br>
> >          </cfif>
> >          <br>
> >
> >          <!--- CLOSE SEARCH --->
> >
> > And assuming I have found the information you looking for this would be the
> > cfindex guess.
> >
> > <cfquery name="getItems" datasource="#DS#">
> >          SELECT itemName, itemDescription, itemKeywords, itemID,
> > itemThumbnail, itemListPrice, itemLeaseNumber
> >          FROM tblItem, tblkItemStatus
> >          WHERE tblItem.itemStatusID = tblkItemStatus.itemStatusID
> >          AND tblkItemStatus.itemStatusMainID  = 2
> > </cfquery>
> >
> > <cfindex
> >          collection="itemCollection"
> >          action="refresh"
> >          type="custom"
> >          body="itemName, itemDescription, itemKeywords, itemLeaseNumber"
> >          custom1="itemThumbnail"
> >          custom2="itemListPrice"
> >          key="itemID"
> >          title="itemName"
> >          query="getItems">
> > <cfmail to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > subject="COLLECTION INDEXING" server="#MAIL_SERVER#">
> > </cfmail>
> >
> > <cflock name="cfcollection_lock" type="exclusive" timeout="30">
> >          <cfcollection action="optimize" collection="itemCollection">
> > </cflock>
> > <cfmail to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > subject="COLLECTION INDEXING" server="#MAIL_SERVER#">
> > </cfmail>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >          At 02:29 PM 11/17/2004, you wrote:
> > >can you post your cfindex tag code?  oh, and your cfsearch code too.
> > >
> > >Doug
> > >
> > >On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 14:00:34 -0700, Jason Smith
> > ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Anyone out there real familiar with verity collections, I'm having 
> trouble
> > > > getting one to index correctly. I'll give us many details as 
> possible if I
> > > > left anything out just let me know.
> > > >
> > > > The server is a Coldfusion 6.1MX on a windows 2003 server. Now 
> myself I'm
> > > > very new to cold fusion and just trying to learn more. I have setup 
> a few
> > > > sites for customers but this is the first site that uses a verity
> > > collection.
> > > >
> > > > Now on to the problem I have read a few resources that all point to
> > > > creating the verity collection and then index the collection. Well 
> I called
> > > > the previous hosting company they moved from to get the exact settings
> > > > however the indexing of verity collections if not written down doesn't
> > > > appear to be retrievable. So this is where I am stuck I have the 
> collection
> > > > created.
> > > >
> > > > name itemcollection
> > > > mapped yes
> > > > online yes
> > > > external no
> > > > language english
> > > > path c:\inetpub\mysite\admin\verity\collections\itemcollection
> > > >
> > > > Now for the indexing this is the problem I run into I'm assuming it 
> should
> > > > be indexing the search directory since that is where all the items have
> > > > created detail pages. File extensions since looking in that 
> directory there
> > > > are mainly html pages with 2 cfm pages I'm assuming html pages are 
> the only
> > > > things I want to index.
> > > >
> > > > path c:\inetpub\mysite\search
> > > > return url http://www.mysite.com/search
> > > >
> > > > After I let it index the files and I go to the test search engine 
> and run a
> > > > search the results are wrong, first off you can search for anything 
> and get
> > > > a return of 100+ matches which is the company name not a product. Then
> > > > checking the link of the result found I come across another problem.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > 
> http://www.mysite.com/search/itemDetail_C:/Inetpub/mysite/search/itemSearch.html.html
> > > >
> > > > Every result has this as the url which obviously isn't correct.
> > > >
> > > > I have spent a few hours reviewing forums and reading posts, book
> > > > information different things so far I have yet to find a fix for 
> this so if
> > > > anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it.
> > > >
> > > > Jason Smith
> > > >
> > > > __________ NOD32 1.924 (20041117) Information __________
> > > >
> > > > This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.
> > > > http://www.nod32.com
> > > >
> > > > Web Your Business Inc., - located in Loveland, Colorado; serving 
> the World!
> > > > http://www.webyourbusiness.com/ - & - 
> http://www.aaabusinesshosting.com/
> > > > Phone: 970-593-6260 - Fax: 970-593-6267 - Toll Free: 1-877-416-8655
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor - CFHosting.net

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