Steve Logan wrote:

>I'm relatively new to CFMX 6.1 (though I do have a handfull of CF5
>servers I'm in charge of).  This one is CFMX 6.1 / Windows 2000
>Advanced Server.
>Anyway, I've put a cfx tag (CFX_ResolveDNS.dll) in my
>C:\CFusionMX\CustomTags directory.  I've registered it in CF Admin,
>but each time we try to load up the test page we get an error of
>"Unable to Load Library".
Well, off hand it smells like a C++? CFX tag that's trying to load 
another external .dll for some purpose. As to what DLL it's trying to 
load ... one would guess something with a MFC in front of it's name 
(i.e., MFC*.dll). Or perhaps whatever DLL's they use for doing 
networking. (Microsoft's networking API confused and frustrated me so I 
just ended up writting my own. Have ever used MS's so I'm very 
unfamiliar with it. Sorry.)

Sec. (grabbed it.)

Not much documentation on it. Or source to look at.

Anyway, that does indicate a DLL it's assume is on the machine isn't 
there, or at least, in somewhere where it's not expecting it.

You just need to get the domain name of an ip?

Um. I don't have time at the moment to explain how to do do it (I'm a 
bit time stressed at the moment) but you can use my udpclient or 
tcpclient com to chat with dns servers to do such.

Perhaps I could be nice one weekend and just throw together a new CFX  
(with source) to replace that tag if I have the time. /-)

>I've tried all versions of letter case - cfx_resolvedns,
>CFX_ResolveDNS etc. - no help.  To see if it's a permissions issue, I
>temporarily gave the CustomTags folder and the specific dll Everyone /
>Full Control privs - no help (also, there is another cfx tag in that
>folder that is working fine and I've matched the security permissions
>between the two DLLs to no avail).
>Not sure if this stack trace info is any help, but here it is:
>Stack Trace (click to expand)  
>coldfusion.tagext.DerivedNativeCFXException: Unable to load library
>       at coldfusion.tagext.NativeCfx.processRequest(Native Method)
>       at coldfusion.tagext.CfxTag.doStartTag(
>       at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTag(
>       at 
> cfCFX_ResolveDNS2ecfm142035402.runPage(D:\UserHome\varady\CFX_ResolveDNS.cfm:32)
>12:44:40.040 - coldfusion.tagext.DerivedNativeCFXException - in
>D:\UserHome\varady\CFX_ResolveDNS.cfm : line 32
>           Unable to load library
>Any ideas?

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