> 2. Having to maintain the proper order of argument declaration was a pain
> in the neck.

You can pass arguments by name when calling UDFs and component methods using
the dotted syntax:

  <cfset myObject = createObject("component", "test")>

  <cfset result = myObject.sayHello(message="Hello", name="ben")>

When naming your arguments, order is not important. In fact, you can build a
collection of arguments and pass them in:

  <cfset myObject = createObject("component", "test")>
  <cfset args = structNew()>

  <cfset args.message = "Hello">
  <cfset args.name = "World">

  <cfset result = myObject.sayHello(argumentCollection=args)>

Ben Rogers

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics

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