>       <cfcookie name="EMAIL" value="#Form.UserName#" 
> expires="#CreateTimeSpan(0,12,0,0)#">
>       <CFOUTPUT QUERY="AuthUser" maxrows="1">
>               <cfcookie name="FirstName" value="#FirstName#" 
> expires="#CreateTimeSpan(0,12,0,0)#">
>       </CFOUTPUT>
>       <cfif form.OriginalURL EQ "Page=LastStep">
>               <cflocation url = "#application.VirtualDirectory#" addToken = 
> "No">
>       <cfelse>
>               <cflocation url = 
> "#application.VirtualDirectory#?#form.OriginalURL#" addToken = "No">
>       </cfif>

Here be the problem, matey.  You're setting cookies then cflocationing. 
  When you cflocation, the cookies cannot be read by the page you 
redirect to.  Workarounds might include using a JS or META redirect, or 
using client or session vars instead and using addtoke="yes".



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