On Dec 1, 2004, at 10:02 PM, Sean Corfield wrote:
> First off, don't use the double-click approach - you really need to
> use the command-line install.

Boy was I hoping I'd see you jump in here...I think this all boils down  
to me not really understanding how the whole .jar/unix/command  
line/paths thing actually works on a mac. I think I need to read  
something about this first before even trying to go any further. Any  
recommendations? I think it's not so much that I don't understand the  
command line unix portion, upon further reflection. It seems to be more  
of "I just don't really understand how jrun and the whole java install  
process works." Does that make sense? I'm reading as carefully as I  
can, but I'm really stuck right on number 8. I've done 1-7 perfectly  
(well, maybe not perfectly, I wanted to install cfmx...okay, lemme take  
that back...I double clicked the jar file and wanted to install it to  
my applications folder, which I *thought* was "Powerbook/Applications"  
but when I double clicked "Powerbook" I saw that it had actually  
created a folder on my root called "Powerbook" and installed the war  
files into an "applications" folder it had created there. So rather  
than going into "Applications" it's now in  
"Powerbook/Applications"...make sense? That was my first screwup.) and  
as a result, I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do once I  
navigate to my "Applications/Jrun4/servers/default/CFIDE" directory in  
the terminal.

So that was where I just didn't know what to do...

I'm here:
If you haven't done so already, open a Terminal window  
(Applications/Utilities/Terminal), navigate to the cfusion directory,  
and use the jar utility to uncompress the cfusion.war file:

cd jrun_root/jrun4/servers/servername/cfusion
jar -xvf cfmx_install_directory/cfusion.war

Note: In these instructions, replace jrun_root with the directory in  
which you installed JRun 4; for example, /Applications/jrun4. Replace  
servername with the name of the server to which you are deploying  
ColdFusion MX; for example, if you installed ColdFusion MX in the  
default JRun server, specify default.

and I can't successfully run the 'jar -xvf....' command.

> No, you don't 'run' these files. The cfusion.war and rds.war files
> need to be manually deployed to a new server instance creating on
> JRun

I created the directories (cfusion and CFIDE) under the default  
directory in my "servers" directory under jrun, which is in my  
applications folder. Did I screw that up?

> Read the install notes carefully - they look daunting and complex but
> as long as you follow every step carefully, it should all just work:
> http://www.macromedia.com/support/coldfusion/j2ee/ 
> cfmxj2ee_mac_onjrunandtom.html
> Note that it absolutely requires you become familiar with the
> command-line interface of the Unix subsystem that underlies Mac OS X.

That's what page I'm reading, but it seems like it leaves out a step or  
two right at that 8th step...*sigh*. Do I just delete the  
"Powerbook/Applications" folder the jar file created on my root and  
just try again? How do I tell it to install into a CFMXJ2EE directory  
in my applications folder? 

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