>If you want to get rid of all Word's weird chars you could try this UDF:

Ok, so I tried out the UDF - basically, in my form submission template, I 
inserted the script and then used <cfset Variable = 
#DeMoronize(FORM.Variable)#> to try to clean up the text. But when I submit it, 
and then view the submitted text on my site, all my annoying word special 
characters have been replaced with a single annoying special character: â&#128; 
(don't know if that's going to show up or not, but you get the idea). 

I've tested the script when it's not going through the form - just using it to 
run through data from a query - and it worked fine. What am I screwing up here?

        <cfset EditTitle = #DeMoronize(FORM.EditChronTitle)#>
        <cfset EditText = #DeMoronize(FORM.EditChronText)#>
        <!--- Format date for database compatability --->
        <CFSET EditDate = #CREATEODBCDATETIME(EditChronDate)#>
                <CFQUERY name="EditRecordSet" dataSource="#Application.DSN#">
                    Update Chronology_Table SET
                                Title = '#EditTitle#',
                                ChronDate = #EditDate#,
                                Fulltext = '#EditText#'
                    WHERE Chronology_Table.ID = #FORM.ChronID#

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