Thanks Vince - There's still one or two niggles - when you've paid so much for 
CF and you then need to re-spend the same amount of money again (OK, maybe not 
quite as much as MM charge) on what is essentially the same tool (generalising 
a bit I know) I find that difficult to do.

I know we have the benefits of deployment etc. which is promised in Blackstone 
anyway. But there must be a compelling reason to go through the whole change 
process when the promised solution is on the way anyway.

If there's stuff I'm totally missing out on please tell me. Too much work on  
at the moment means I can't see the wood for the trees.



-----Original Message-----
From: Vince Bonfanti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 30 November 2004 14:22
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: "Licensing" a CF app

I'm not sure that "re-writing a tonne of code" is what would be required.
We've converted a number of fairly large applications (thousands of pages)
to BlueDragon; the time doing so is usually measured in hours or days. Often
it's only one or two tweaks that have to be made to get everything running.

Most BlueDragon customers approach this no differently than they would an
upgrade from CF5 to CFMX, for example. That is, they don't expect their CF5
code to run perfectly "out of the box" on CFMX, and therefore don't expect
the same from BlueDragon. Of course, just as for the CF5-to-CFMX upgrade,
there has to be enough benefit to the BlueDragon upgrade to make it worth
your effort.

The first step (after reviewing the BlueDragon CFML Compatibility Guide) is
to run the BlueDragon precompiler on your code base--this will flush out
most of the incompatibilities. After that, it's a simple matter of running
through your application to verify that everything works.

We're happy to provide assistance if you're interested in making a go of it.

Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Parry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 1:55 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: "Licensing" a CF app
> I've pained over this and finally decided that the only 
> feasible way to do it was to provide a "CMS appliance" to the 
> customers who wanted to host their own websites/intranets 
> using my CMS. This is essentially a locked down server that 
> only I have access to (for updates etc.).
> I also spent quite a while trying to re-use the .class files 
> that CF generates. Proved a tad too tricky so I ditched that idea. 
> Blue Dragon - When I was looking at it, yes it was very good 
> and offered this type of functionality but I have a LOT of 
> code in the CMS and Blue Dragon didn't work out of the box. 
> As I'm genetically lazy I couldn't stomach re-writing a tonne 
> of code - so stuck in my comfort zone ;) 
> Just my 2¢ worth
> Martin Parry
> Macromedia Certified Developer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom McNeer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 29 November 2004 21:35
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: "Licensing" a CF app
> Thanks to everyone who replied.
> I had forgotten about BlueDragon's ISV program. And I guess 
> it's unknown whether the Blackstone functionality referred to 
> would actually allow the sort of "disabling" we'd like. From 
> comments I've seen here before, Coral gets mixed reviews.

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