
I think the point is not about actual usage per se - it's more about
momentum.  Firefox does appear to be gaining more momentum than any recent
offering - and getting far more press in the trade rags. Adoption in Europe
is outpacing the US. As has been mentioned here - the real test is whether
corporate IT dept take the leap. That may be a ways away from happening. The
one thing about Firefox I hated was the hoops I had to jump through to get
the JVM to work. I finally had to resort to reinstalling the JRE... not
good. Other than that I like it - surprisingly fast at times.


-----Original Message-----
From: Irvin Gomez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 3:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Firefox Usage -

The point was not to call Barney a liar. Perhaps I worded it incorrectly.
What I was referring to is assertion that a LOT of users don't have a
computer. Where's that data coming from? And what's a LOT?

My apologies to Barney if it appeared as a personal attack. It was not the

I do, however, stand my initial statement that the're no real data
suggesting Firefox being (usage-wise) any different that Opera or any of the
other rather-marginal browsers, that stay in the 1-2% usage. We are VERY FAR
removed from a "browser war". I do like Firefox, though :-)

>Easy now.. you cant claim that Barney's numbers are FALSE.. anectdotal
>The numer of users and number of downloads dont really match I agree,
>just take it to an IT department etc.
>besides.. check the usage of firefox in sites more like as that is the
>important part!
>On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 17:16:03 -0400, Irvin Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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