are you dating bill?

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Adrocknaphobia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Tue, 7 Dec 2004 18:23:47 -0500

>Again... this is the stupidest thread I've ever had the pleasure on
>deleting nearly 90 times. Will you people just grow up?
>Why is everyone so concerned over Andrew's philosophy? How can you sit
>here and make these BS arguments, when you dont apply this reason to
>any other type of applications? Why does every html based application
>have to render in every browser? Why is it ok to write a program that
>only runs on linux, or OSX when you could obviously just write
>everything in Java for all platforms? Why do you not care that games
>are published for gamecube and not Xbox? What is this double standard?
>I can agree with you if you are talking about a public website, but
>come on.... Andrew writes web applications built for IE because its
>adds value to his applications. We have 30+ intranet applications I
>support written only for IE 5.5+ within the Dept of State. Now
>according to Nathan I must be some kinda of moron, but why would I
>spend any extra development time while hindering features just to
>support the latest open-source browser that is prohibited on my
>network? Thats not to say that the public website I'm about to launch
>isnt a CSS1 masterpiece (beacuse CSS2 will not exist until IE decides
>it can) because it is.
>Web sites have vastly different requirements from web applications.
>This is not a tough concept to grasp. Andrew writes an app that sells
>for 200k, even though its built for IE only, so what does that say
>about your entire argument. Your envy isn't completely masked by your
>The fact is that the general public could care less about the 'browser
>war' or Firefox. If its installed and they can access google and ebay
>its a good browser in thier mind. This utter drivel will make no
>impact on that what so ever. So lets stop making the same points over
>and over again, and get Mike to drop this thread which is so obviously
>so far of topic the letters cf haven't even been used in a sentence.
>On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 14:28:14 -0800, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >  And intranet systems are always designed with one
>> > browser in mind and one only,
>> Always? are you sure about that? On our intranet some people use Macs
>> some windows (and now a few linux boxes on the sys admin team) - and
>> our intranet works on all browsers (though the new version which is
>> not out yet is, stupidly in my opnion, windows IE only)
>> --
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